When the word black friday is presented to you, what comes to mind? Lots of savings on items you've had your eye on for a long time, large groups of shoppers waiting outside of wal-mart with nothing to lose(xcept their minds), buy one get one free deals, $200 flat screen tv's, X-box/PS3 games for only $20, Toasters for $4, or even the new j's that came out.
......With YOUR happiness given credit to....
...Lets think about the REATIL WORKERS POINT OF VIEW(people like myself)....
Crowds of over anxious shoppers fighting their way to the front of the line, Angry black people getting mad because you don't have what they are looking for, Consistent stupid questions being asked such as "Ya'll aint got nothing else on sale" or "This all yall got"(Shudda went sumwhur else lol), Bad ass kids who won't stop runnig round the store, parents who REFUSE to stop they're bad ass kids from running around crazy, Late hours in the store because some customer decided to come into the store 5 minutes before it close and STAY 15 minutes after the store is closed(happens more often than you think), People who are never satisfied no matter how much the savings is, Angery white people who look at you funny because u don't jump when they say it, or just the typical nigga ish that goes on lol. THE LIST COULD GO ON AND ON(but it won't kuz im tired of typing lol)
Many anticipate the arrival of black friday and the weekend that follows because it is a tradition of big crowds with savings just as big. Retail workers hate it for the very same reason lol...One thing can be agreeed upon, black friday and the weekend is OVER UNTIL NEXT NOVEMBER..Thank God lol...Next Year when you go out shopping for black friday, make sure you take into consideration the feelings of the POOR POOR worker at that businness...(seriously)
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